
㈠ 旗开得胜 张学友独唱版下载

我下载到的是vbr203kbps的,不过现在无损的还没发布,没得下载啊我听了感觉很不错,你看看行不行?(邮箱写在问题补充那里,我发给你)歌词:张学友《旗开得胜》作词:李焯雄 作曲:K'Naan 痛快自在 热血澎湃 别问由来 星可以摘成功在我 就是现在 定义未来 荣耀现在 头昂起来 畅爽开怀 天涯不过 你我胸怀你是兄弟 来自四海 心连起来 为你喝采青春是一首歌 迎着光让我们一起唱看世界就在我们脚下 把梦踢到天际无限大一起唱 汗让梦茁壮 你让我成长旗像风翅膀 你给我力量GO 旗开得胜 GO 旗开得胜 GO 旗开得胜 GOAL 世界沸腾旗开得胜 我们一起唱 世界沸腾 我们一起唱

㈡ 旗开得胜中文版下载

http://image.icoke/channels/campaign/2010FWC/celebrate/swf/music.mp3 希望采纳。

㈢ 旗开得胜 张学友英文版 网上有没有下载

knaan – wavin flag下载http://mp3./m?f=ms&tn=mp3&ct=134217728&lf=&rn=&word=knaan+wavin+flag+&lm=-1歌词when i get older, i will be stronger,they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag,knaan – wavin' flag when i get older, i will be stronger,they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag,and then it goes back, and then it goes back,and then it goes backpowered by af-justing.lee qq=375497439born to a throne, stronger than romebut violent prone, poor people zone,but it's my home, all i have known,where i got grown, streets we would roam.but out of the darkness, i came the farthest,among the hardest survival.learn from these streets, it can be bleak,except no defeat, surrender retreat,so we struggling…fighting to eat andwe wondering… when we'll be free,so we patiently wait, for that fateful day,it's not far away, so for now we saywhen i get older, i will be stronger,they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag,and then it goes back, and then it goes back,and then it goes back,powered by af-justing.lee qq=375497439so many wars, settling scores,bringing us promises, leaving us poor,i heard them say, love is the way,love is the answer, that's what they say,but look how they treat us, make us believers,we fight their battles, then they deceive us,try to control us, they couldn't hold us,cause we just move forward like buffalo soldiers.but we struggling, fighting to eat,and we wondering, when we'll be freeso we patiently wait, for that faithful day,it's not far away, but for now we say,when i get older, i will be stronger,they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag,and then it goes back, and then it goes back,and then it goes back,and then it goeswhen i get older, i will be stronger,they'll call me freedom, just like a waving flag,and then it goes back, and then it goes back,and then it goes back,and then it goes(ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhh)and everybody will be singing it(ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhh)and you and i will be singing it(ohhhh ohhhh ohhhhh ohhhh)and we all will be singing it(ohhh ohh ohh ohh)

㈣ 梦幻西游手游旗开得胜需要从哪个平台下载才有这个服务器

玩乱斗西游吧,梦幻太柔了,玩的不爽,乱斗西游,手机版LOL,爽到爆去网易官网下载正版的,非官网的经常出问题序列号:gsax9579序列号:gsav8894 序列号:gsac2436 固定唯一,可重复激活 激活后即可获得乱斗西游新手礼包 序列号激活方式:①打开客户端进入游戏,输入账号密码,选择服务器; ②在角色创建界面,长按顶部“请选择您喜欢的角色形象”3秒,出现序列号输入窗口,输入序列号;需要别的礼包的可以私信我

㈤ 老板好祝老板旗开得胜是哪个APP


㈥ 旗开得胜下载

只找到一个中文的。旗开得胜–张学友 张靓颖http://icoke.qq/huanqin/win.mp3

㈦ 哪里可以下载可口可乐广告歌曲《旗开得胜》这首歌的英文版本

http://mp3./m?tn=mp3&ct=134217728&lm=-1&word=wavin%20flag 点击歌曲名,再点链接即可。

㈧ 神龙赌圣之旗开得胜高清完整版下载



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㈨ 谁知道旗开得胜的高潮部分在哪下载,只要(哦哦哦哦哦)的这段


㈩ 炫铃 旗开得胜哪里能下载



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